    Bronze in the Employer Brand Management Awards

Bronze in the Employer Brand Management Awards

Proud: together with Univé we receive international recognition. But above all, we are proud of our partnership with Univé, with whom we share this award.

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With the employer branding campaign ‘The beauty of Univé we won bronze in the category ‘Best alignment of the employer value proposition with corporate brand values’.

Quite a mouthful. What does it mean? With this campaign Univé paints an attractive but honest picture of what it’s like to work at Univé. In this way, Univé can attract and retain the right talent. And that’s all the more important in this tight labour market.


Check out the case_04_paars.svg


About the Employer Brand Management Awards

The Employer Brand Management Awards are presented by the British Communication Magazine and are known as the 'must-win' award programme for any organisation wishing to benchmark its employer brand activities.

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1059 CD Amsterdam

The Netherlands
