Five questions to Katinka

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1. Katinka, can you tell us about the road that led you to PROOF?
During my management traineeship at Postbank (that dates me somewhat!), I discovered my passion for leadership and transformation as key themes. Leadership, because leaders make the difference. And transformation, because every transformation is an exciting adventure, and I’m definitely an adventurous person! Over the past twenty years, I have led increasingly complex transformations. My biggest challenge to date? The dismantling of WestlandUtrecht Bank. As CEO, I was determined to lead that process with the greatest integrity. I’d also like to mention my two years as a board member of De Goudse Verzekeringen. I was working as an independent consultant when Bea – who I have known for years as a former colleague – and I went for a walk to catch up.

2. So what happened during that walk?
Bea talked about the development PROOF is going through as an agency and suddenly I thought – what a great adventure! So I started to delve further into PROOF’s field of work, talked to Bea in depth about PROOF’s ambitions and got to know the PROOF team. My feeling throughout was ‘I’m excited about this and it’s a great fit for me.’ I’m eager and ready to add this new adventure to all the others I’ve been on!

3. You’re taking on the role of Managing Director at PROOF. So what will Bea do?
Yes, I never do anything by halves!. I will be Managing Director and Bea will focus more on the development of new PROOF divisions, such as PROOF PEOPLE, which was launched today. Bea’s hands have been itching to get stuck into that for some time, so it’s a win-win situation for both of us. And of course Bea will still be involved: our clients value her highly and she has a wealth of knowledge and experience that will continue to benefit PROOF – and me – for a long time to come! We’ll work out the finer detail of who does what over time, but we’re both really excited to be working together on PROOF’s future.

4. What are you bringing to PROOF and what are you hoping to gain?
I bring a lot of energy to everything I do, and I’m looking forward to ploughing that energy into helping to achieve PROOF’s ambitions. I usually tune in very easily to what an organisation – and therefore its people – need. Together with the PROOF team and its clients, I’m confident this will lead to some great new developments. As for what I’m hoping to gain? As an MD, I already know the ropes, but I’m really looking forward to combining managing the agency with becoming even more proficient in the expertise PROOF offers its clients. That’s what I really want to experience!

5. What can clients expect of you?
As I mentioned, I have led many organisational transformations to date. And these days, almost every organisation is transforming, out of necessity or for other reasons. I want to help PROOF’s clients by sharing my expertise in this area: putting the puzzle pieces together and making sure objectives are met. And I won’t hesitate to bring up any pain points in the process. That’s what I hope clients experience: that I’m always very committed – sincerely committed.

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Sascha Becker
managing director
Jasper de Boom
strategy director
Charlotte Jacobs-Hoffman
senior consultant/chief of staff


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