    Re-engineer your employee experience

Re-engineer your employee experience

Organisations are constantly changing. Along with the strategy, other things that regularly change include the way of working, of managing, of learning, and of onboarding. And this raises a question: How do you ensure that your employees continue to feel connected, continue to know how they can contribute, and continue to give the best of themselves every day? Our answer: By involving them rather than thinking for them, by listening rather than telling, and then by actually acting on their input.

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Do you want to improve your organisation’s employee experience? Then the PROOF Employee Journey Workshop is just what you are looking for. Join with colleagues from HR and Communications, plus others from Operations, IT, or Marketing. The total number of participants is between 8 and 10, and the workshop takes place at our office in the easy to access Valschermkade in Amsterdam.

WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-102.svgMapping what you have – and what you want

During a compact, one-day workshop, PROOF consultants will take you through our proprietary Employee Journey Model as we make an inventory of your current employee experience – and how you would love it to be. We investigate your challenges and opportunities for jointly – you with your colleagues – optimising your organisation’s employee experience.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-24.svgAn actionable plan developed together

The goal of the workshop is to develop a plan that you can put into immediate effect to start improving the employee experience. A plan whose steps are based on the latest insights and developed together with your team.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-09.svgA tailormade workshop designed around you

The key to a successful workshop is preparation. No two organisations or needs are identical. In an intake session, we formulate the question you want to have answered. It could be about something very specific, or maybe you simply want to improve your employee journey in general and want to develop ideas on how and where to start.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-08.svgA half-day or one-day session in 3 parts

  1. Knowledge: Two experts from PROOF lead you through the fundamental principles of what makes an optimal employee experience.

  2. Problem definition: Here you and your colleagues, working together, formulate the question that you need answered.

  3. Solution: You work together to map the current/ desired situation and start taking the first steps towards improving your employee experience.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-25.svgResult: concrete next steps

Based on the input gathered during the workshop, plus background information supplied by you, PROOF develops an analysis and makes recommendations that provide insight into where your opportunities lie and what you could do next to gather input to develop an overarching strategy.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-03.svgWho this workshop is for

This workshop is for anyone who believes that a good employee experience is essential to the success of the organisation – and who also believes in the power of innovation through co-creation. Experience shows that the ideal number of participants is between 8 and 10.


WHATEVER_Outline_Icons_2021_01-213.svgHow much does it cost?

The cost of a workshop session reflects the complexity of the question and the amount of preparatory work this requires, plus the cost of facilitating the workshop itself. Please contact us so we can develop an estimate for you.

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Want to know more about PROOF?

Get the answers to your questions straight from one of the members of our management team. 

Sascha Becker
managing director
Jasper de Boom
strategy director
Charlotte Jacobs-Hoffman
senior consultant/chief of staff


Valschermkade 37C

1059 CD Amsterdam

The Netherlands
