    Two awards in the Internal Communications & Engagement Awards

Two awards in the Internal Communications & Engagement Awards

We did it! We were shortlisted with two of our cases in the Internal Communication & Engagement awards and received a prize for both! A big thank you to our partners Albert Heijn and a.s.r..


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What did we win?

a.s.r. – What do can do

Won silver in the category ‘Best alignment of internal communications with external messaging’.

Albert Heijn – Newspaper

Won bronze in the category ‘Best internal publication - print’.

About the Internal Communications & Engagement Awards

The Internal Communications & Engagement Awards are presented by the British Communicate 4Magazine for excellent performance in the field of internal communications.

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Get the answers to your questions straight from one of the members of our management team. 

Sascha Becker
managing director
Jasper de Boom
strategy director
Charlotte Jacobs-Hoffman
senior consultant/chief of staff


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1059 CD Amsterdam

The Netherlands
